First of all, I would to like to wish you all belated Merry Christmas! I hope you all had a lovely day and are now rested from all the food and festivities. I had a wonderful time and a much needed break with my family – but now I am back and feeling refreshed with a bucket load of new ideas 🙂
I have been wanting to make this tutorial for quite a while now – I have to show you how easy this is to do and how amazing the result is. YOU CAN DO THIS! Yes, you can 🙂 Just give it a try and if you need any help or advice, please drop me message.
Thank you for dropping by today. If you have enjoyed today’s project, please subscribe to my blog on the right and/or my YouTube channel so you don’t miss any future projects. You can also find me on Facebook and I’m happy to answer any questions you may have – I try to reply to as many comments as I can.
Helen Xx
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Hostess Code – I reward my customers when they shop with me
All orders over £25 (before shipping & handling) & using this month’s Hostess Code at checkout will receive a Hostess Gift from me. If your order is over £150, please do not use this code – you can claim your own Stampin’ Rewards.
All online orders under £150 will collect Stampin’ Rewards (free product) throughout the month. Your order is processed as normal, with it being delivered to your house as usual, so nothing changes there. But, at the end of the month, I close off the code and work out how many people have placed orders and divide the total Stampin’ Rewards between them all, making sure that everyone has exactly the same products.
However, the more people who join the code, the higher the rewards go because everyone is pulling together towards a common goal!
This month’s code can be found at the top right of this page or on the home page