Interview | Mini Album & Memory Keeping Q&A Video

If you are behind in your memory keeping and feeling the pressure and guilt from it, this video is for you. 

When we are busy making memories, it is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you are falling behind in the record keeping department. It’s then easy for this feeling to then spiral and the feelings of guilt to set in.

The place to start with memory keeping, is creating the memories to start off with. If you haven’t created any memories, then you are very limited on what you can record/subjects to scrapbook.

Thinking you need to be busy making the memories and being all caught up with putting them down on paper and making them pretty can be too much pressure for even the most organised person. Why add that pressure? Scrapbooking is supposed to be enjoyable! When times are busy, you are being blessed with memories to scrapbook.

So have fun. Take the photos. Collect the ticket stubs and leaflets. Jot down key information you need to include in your pages/album. Keep it all in a labelled paper bag so it’s ready for it’s turn.

Letting go of the “I’m so behind” guilt is the best gift you can give yourself.  You are not behind… are making the memories, having fun, and taking part in life.

At the end of video there’s a quick fire 10 questions that I answer about myself – Yes! I will be scrapbooking all the questions and answers!

Helen xx


Posted in blog, Helen Griffin UK, Mini Albums, Scrapbooking, Simply Made Crafts, YouTube and tagged , , , , .


Papercraft designer & educator. My aim is to inspire and provide easy to follow tutorials - so you can create my projects with ease. You can find my projects on my website, Youtube and in papercraft magazines.

One Comment

  1. Good tips Helen! I loved learning more about you, it was fun seeing you answer those questions.
    Hugs, Brenda

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