If there ever was a reason for owning a laminator, this project alone would be reason enough. If you have one? Go blow the dust off it. If you don’t have one? Don’t hold me responsible for another gadget added to your stash!
I didn’t own a laminator until shortly after I’d seen a fab tutorial from LiveLoveScrap. I wanted to make her laminated traveller’s journal and so made the executive decision to get one. Best decision ever, as I’ve been making some great projects with it. But those are for another day and you’ll have to wait patiently for those!
For the notebooks, I bought ready made ones and calculated my measurements to fit. I show you how you can do the same in my tutorial. I’m using paper collections from Trimcraft – First Edition Papers and the collections are Paradise Crush and Wild at Heart. I love florals just as much as the masculine look, I’m a little strange like that. Let’s just say I keep my gold glitter stilettos next to my navy converse on the shoe rack!
Please do check out LiveLoveScrap’s channel, she has some excellent projects and ideas over there and please also check out her tutorial on the laminated traveller’s notebook. She shows you how to make your own notebooks to go inside. Me? I’m a little lazy and I bought my notebooks from Amazon – search for pocket notebooks or vocabulary books.
Thank you for dropping by today. If you have enjoyed today’s project, please subscribe to my blog on the right and/or my YouTube channel so you don’t miss any future projects. You can also find me on Facebook and I’m happy to answer any questions you may have – I try to reply to as many comments as I can.
Helen Xx
Laminator & A4 laminator pockets
Patterned paper – Trimcraft First Edition Papers in Paradise Crush & Wild at Heart
1mm round elastic
Cropadile hole punch or similar
Notebooks or printer paper