I love this new Project life kit from the new catalogue. I get so busy during the run up to Christmas that I don’t get the time to fully document everything in a timely manner. I am hoping this year will be different…
…Yes..I have started my preparations for Christmas this year already. OK HEAR ME OUT! December is so busy for us I couldn’t imagine having to buy presents and all the other stuff that Christmas brings with it AND scrapbook it. I have two young children at school – and boy does school like to keep you busy with baking, attending each child’s nativity play, stay and plays, last day parties, after school discos…need I go on (and it does go on). Add my Son’s birthday a few days before Christmas to the mix and we have a stressed out Mummy with LOTS to remember and LOTS of lists. SO…I would rather plan and prep prep prep so I might even get the chance to relax and enjoy all the goings on.
And this year I might even be able to document it all as it happens. As opposed to scrapbooking Christmas in June. My plan is to set up the album with the cards inserted and the embellishments ready. Every few evenings I can print off some photos on my printer and add my journalling to the cards and place it all together.
And the whole lot fits into a lovely box (apart from the album) so you can keep it handy or even take it with you when you’re out and about.
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Love Helen x
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